Misha Turchaninov performs “In Caves Of Harz”
9 years old Misha Turchaninov performs “In Caves Of Harz” by V. Kuprevich. From “Travel Sketches” Op. 150 #10
Misha is a student at Classical and Jazz Piano School, Anchorage, Alaska.
Recorded by Peter Ratner.
Jordyn Bruce performs Boogies by Evgeny Chernonog
Jordyn Bruce, piano, Classical and Jazz Piano School, Anchorage, AK, performs Boogies by Evgeny Chernonog.
Recorded by Peter Ratner.
Michelle Evans performs Blossom by E.MacDowell
Michelle Evans, piano, performs Blossom by E.MacDowell.
Michelle is a student at Classic and Jazz Piano School, Alaska.
Recorded by Peter Ratner.
Yu Jin Choi plays Elegy by Kalinnikov
Young Korean-Alaskan pianist Yu Jin Choi plays Elegy by Kalinnikov.
She is a student at Classical and Jazz Piano School of Alaska.
Recorded by Peter Ratner.